EasyPost UI

EasyPost UI Have you ever wanted to print a label from home for any carrier you could imagine getting discounted rates all from a single application? Most people probably havent actually but if you are a business owner this probably sounds like someth ...

My $10,000 Mistake

Ive been a developer for many years now. Developers know all about copyright law especially when it comes to digital assets. Most people disregard copyright law we do live in a world of memes music covers and creations by fans of all kinds of media after ...

Apple Card - The Future of Cards

Ive been an Apple fanboy for years. Whenever a new gadget came out from Apple I jumped at the opportunity to get it. Then Apple released the Apple Card I was skeptical. A technology company getting into the financial business seemed exciting but was conc ...

Automated Scripting - Take Back Your Time

I've recently focused a lot of my efforts on automation. Humans are naturally prone to introduce errors into whatever they do this can be disastrous when we are talking about the uptime of production systems and uniform technical details playing vital ro ...

Migrate Google Drive Across Domains

Intro Have you ever needed to migrate files or an entire drive structure from one domain to another? Many people have. Whether you rebrand or just want to share some files with another company quickly there is a growing need to do this however Google do ...

Glass - My Custom Built Blog

I've always been in love with the idea of documentation. For a developer there is no greater joy than finding someone took the painstaking time to write out instructions on how to get started with a project lessons learned things to avoid etc. I believe t ...


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