Software Posts

The One Line Traefik/Docker Config That Broke My Routing

I've used Traefikhttpstraefik.iotraefik to route traffic to my containers for years. For years I haven't had a problem with this. Containers that needed to connect to a database would run on their own network so the DB could talk ...

Harvey Deadlock Issues - Making Docker, uWSGI, and Nginx Play Nice

Exploring the Problem Its pretty standard to writeup a postmortem after stuff breaks in production. It helps to identify and analyze what went wrong how it was fixed and how it can be avoided in the future. Join me on my 1.5 year journey of fixing a n ...

I Built an iOS Game (Crazy Color Clash) - Here's What I Learned

Where Can I Get the App Crazy Color is available on the iOS App Store download it today for free! How the Project Got Started I've dreamed of publishing something on the App Store for yea ...

Build vs Buy in Software Engineering

There has long been a debate of build vs buy when it comes to a software solution. You can either build the thing yourself which allows for complete control and customization or you can go out and buy the thing or find an open source alternative which all ...

Pin Your Dang Dependencies

Flask made an oopsie. I love the framework it works well and is simple enough to integrate in a Python project to spin up a quick API. But they don't pin their dependencies or didn't which caused massive issues across thousands of code bases overnight ...

Clone or Pull All of your GitHub Repositories

Have you ever needed to clone or pull all of your GitHub repositories? What about your organization repos or gists? Then there are private repos in addition to your public ones. This question has been on the minds of many and often people try to build rou ...

The Importance of Unit Tests

Recently I've taken on a new job as a software engineer. As part of this job I'm required to write unit tests for all my work. Up until this point in my software career I haven't built tests for the code I've written. Personal projects or frontend website ...

Homebrew Owned by a Standard User

What is Homebrew Homebrew is a package manager for macOS allowing you to install things from the command line. It houses most everything you'd need or could find on the web that is widely used. Standard User Setup One of the biggest questions I ...

EasyPost UI

EasyPost UI Have you ever wanted to print a label from home for any carrier you could imagine getting discounted rates all from a single application? Most people probably havent actually but if you are a business owner this probably sounds like someth ...

Automated Scripting - Take Back Your Time

I've recently focused a lot of my efforts on automation. Humans are naturally prone to introduce errors into whatever they do this can be disastrous when we are talking about the uptime of production systems and uniform technical details playing vital ro ...


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