How to Win Friends and Influence People Book Notes

This was a fantastic read. Here are some of the things I learned Fundamental Techniques to Handling People Principle 1 Dont criticize condemn or complain It is foolish to scold. People have enough trouble overcoming their own limitations ...

The One Line Traefik/Docker Config That Broke My Routing

I've used Traefikhttpstraefik.iotraefik to route traffic to my containers for years. For years I haven't had a problem with this. Containers that needed to connect to a database would run on their own network so the DB could talk ...

Do Not Hold the Picture Button Down on iPhone for Videos, You'll Regret It

I learned a thing today maybe helpful to some you can take a video on your iPhone by holding the camera button itll switch to a video this I knew. The problem is it shoots said video in the 43 aspect ratio which is terrible. This is the same aspect ratio ...

Book Notes: Engineering Management for the Rest of Us

Leadership is about enabling everyone around you to do their best work As a leader you affect people's lives in targetable ways that you see reflected back on the faces in front of you Caring is vital to this role People are not pure functions the ...

Lessons Learned Running a Space Simulator

This is a repost of an article I wrote years ago that has since been removed from its initial locationhttpsthoriumsim.comblog20190401lessonslearnedanewperspective. I recently attended a space simulator at the Christa McAuliffe Space Center in Pleasant ...

Book Notes: Rich Dad Poor Dad

Broke is temporary poor is eternal Affirming you're rich is a big deal. You can have a rich life without having loads of money Money comes and goes but education about money is powerful Lesson 1 The Rich Don't Work for Money You can only chan ...

Harvey Deadlock Issues - Making Docker, uWSGI, and Nginx Play Nice

Exploring the Problem Its pretty standard to writeup a postmortem after stuff breaks in production. It helps to identify and analyze what went wrong how it was fixed and how it can be avoided in the future. Join me on my 1.5 year journey of fixing a n ...

Book Notes: Leadership and Self Deception

Dont treat people as objects dont view them as threats nuisances or problems Get out of the box which is viewing people as people Learn peoples names and faces it humanizes them People dont respond to what you do as much as who you are being Self ...

Book Notes: Software Engineering at Google

I just finished reading Software Engineering at Google which was a fantastic read. For anyone in the space I'd highly recommend it. Here are some of my notes I took down A programming task is often an act of individual creation but a software engineer ...

I Built an iOS Game (Crazy Color Clash) - Here's What I Learned

Where Can I Get the App Crazy Color is available on the iOS App Store download it today for free! How the Project Got Started I've dreamed of publishing something on the App Store for yea ...


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